Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What About Mesothelioma Prevention Legal System?

A lot has been said about what mesothelioma is, what mesothelioma lawyers can do and how can mesothelioma victims sue asbestos companies. It has also being explained in great detail what are the benefits for mesothelioma lawyers, the suing process and the amounts a victim can obtain when winning the case. What about asbestos companies? Were they really unaware of this kind of cancer? What about the government? Did it really have no knowledge whatsoever about what was going on? Shouldn´t this example warn us about how fragile certain legal structures are in practice and how we must fight for our rights?

I think that the best approach when dealing with this kind of issues is asking ourselves what have we done ourselves to promote preventive measures in order to avoid further mesothelioma cases. We do not certainly have the power to influence asbestos companies on our own but as active members of society we can fight for our rights and make extensive our concerns to local government authorities.

Human nature is selfish a lot of times and unfortunately personal interests tend to prevail in many situations over moral aspects. That´s why, it´s so important to make some kind of pressure inside the legal system in order to promote protective laws. Mesothelioma, it´s just another case of many others. There are a lot of similar cases where human lifes were spoiled because of money. That´s not right. If we want to change how things are working right now we have to fight for what we believe is right ASAP. No one is going to spend time and dedicate efforts for something that does not cash into revenue. That´s exactly what´s going on with mesothelioma cases right now. Since a lot of money is involved in the whole legal process, the pieces move really fast. Should this kind of reward always be our source of inspiration?

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